Summary of “Leviathan” by Thomas Hobbes

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In his first part Thomas Hobbes gives philosophical meanings like memory, understanding, imagination doing it on purpose so that basing on them to create the future theory of Leviathan, it could be understood from the perception of him that before studying philosophy meanings should be made clear. So everything according to him is based on the matter and all the senses are nothing more that the reflection of the moves of that matter, the act of vision happens when matter collides with our eyes and exc. Memory is the sense left after the collision of the matter with the brain, imagination is the sense we create basing on the experience of the collided matter, thought are not solitary and one comes after another that process is called trains of thought. According to Hobbes thought can be regulated like the science, speech and unregulated like dreams. Speech according to him is the transition of the mental to the verbal; he puts words to the superior position claiming that there is no possibility of science without words and perceptions thus neglecting empirical methods. Also we have desires and aversions, and those things that contradict our desires or aversion are seen as evil opposite – good. Further the power is defined as an instrument to get the desired object or to put another way to fulfill the appetite, one’s power may collide with another one’s that is what hold people from using it and it is called fear, not to use power because of fear is called manners. There are two types of power – one acquired from the moment of birth another through the experience. The state of nature is the war of all against all since not regarding that some maybe stronger than others everyone has capacity to kill, but people also have the Natural Rights like The Right for life – clash of these two takes place. In the state of nature people have the right for everything but they have

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