Summary: From Isolation To Increased Global Intervention

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Peter Iorio Professor Magee IAH 201 Section 12 May 1, 2015 From the time of the Spanish American War until the present, the United States went from relative isolation to increased global involvement because of technological advancements, the entrance into World War I and World War II, and international idealism. The consequences on American society of that greater involvement were the United States economy recovering from the Great Depression, the thought of Utopianism, and also a new idea of positions in society for African Americans and women. The first reason for the United States moving from isolation to increased global involvement was because of new technological advancements. Emily Rosenberg who is the author of “Spreading the…show more content…
It was completely obvious after the attack on Pearl Harbor that most of our country now strongly stood behind the war efforts of World War II. However, this was not that case in World War I where we had to be persuaded to participate. The United States entered a “warfare state”and the entire country revolved around war and wanted their revenge on the Axis Powers. Of course entering of the war had created a more internally involved America but the events that took place on August 6 and August 9, 1945 lead to the United States making history. The highly anticipated droppings of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki forced the entire nation of Japan to surrender, which historically had been unwilling to give up. With the intimidation of the atomic bomb and the aggressive war tactics, the United States was also successful in driving German forces back into Germany. "The U.S. entered World War II in a great depression and exited the most prosperous and powerful country in the world determined to never enter into isolation again". After World War II, the United States sat perfectly on top and had now established themselves as the most powerful country in the entire…show more content…
Malcolm Magee, Lecture, 2/24/15 [ 10 ]. Malcolm Magee, Course Textbook, Chpt. 8 THE CATACLYSM, WORLD WAR II, AND THE BEGINNING OF THE COLD WAR [ 11 ]. Malcolm Magee, Course Textbook, Chpt. 5 Woodrow Wilson- WORLD WAR I [ 12 ]. Andrew Linklater, International Relations: Section I. The nature and purpose of international relations [ 13 ]. Malcolm Magee, Course Textbook, Chpt. 3 EMPIRE AND ITS DISCONTENTS [ 14 ]. Malcolm Magee, Course Textbook, Chpt. 3 EMPIRE AND ITS DISCONTENTS [ 15 ]. Malcolm Magee, Course Textbook, Chpt. 5 Woodrow Wilson- WORLD WAR I [ 16 ]. Malcolm Magee, Course Textbook, Chpt. 8 THE CATACLYSM, WORLD WAR II, AND THE BEGINNING OF THE COLD WAR [ 17 ]. Malcolm Magee, Course Textbook, Chpt. 8 THE CATACLYSM, WORLD WAR II, AND THE BEGINNING OF THE COLD WAR [ 18 ]. Malcolm Magee, Course Textbook, Chpt. 8 THE CATACLYSM, WORLD WAR II, AND THE BEGINNING OF THE COLD WAR [ 19 ]. Edward Bellamy, “Looking Backward”, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1887 [ 20 ]. Malcolm Magee, Lecture, 3/5/2015 [ 21 ]. Malcolm Magee, Course Textbook, Chpt. 7 THE GREAT DEPRESSION, POPULAR CULTURE, GLOBAL TENSION. [ 22 ]. Malcolm Magee, Course Textbook, Chpt. 7 THE GREAT DEPRESSION, POPULAR CULTURE, GLOBAL

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