Eyp 3.2 1.1

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1. Know the structure of education form early years to post-compulsory education A) Summaries entitlement and provision for early years education. The Child Care Act 2006 states that all children aged 3 and 4 in England can receive a free part time early year’s education of up to 15 hours per week for 38 weeks a year. The government funds local authorities to ensure that each child receives up to two years of free education before they reach school age. Parents can put their children in full time early years education but they will be charged for this. The provision made in school is about supporting very young children, from key stage 1 for every country in the UK. It is based on the concept that young children…show more content…
Every Child Matters framework has had a wide ranging impact of provisions for children and young people nationally. As part of this and community cohesion, schools have been developing roles such as after school clubs and extended schools programmes, all of which are inspected by Ofsted. The school will also need to develop their own policies in line with the national requirements for such areas as child protection and safeguarding children. C) Explain the roles of other organisations working with children and young people and how these may impact on the work of school There are a large number of organisations that work with children and young people, so it makes sense that they should liaise with each other, sharing their knowledge and experience. They should develop links with each other for pupil support and community cohesion. Although the other organisations will be working with or alongside the school, meetings should be arranged and attended to pass on relevant information and ensure that all parties are aware of what the other services are doing. A close working relationship between organisations will be beneficial to all concerned and is in the best interests of the
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