Know the Structure of Education from Early Years to Post-Compulsory Education. Ncfe Level 3 Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools

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Know the structure of education from early years to post-compulsory education. a. Summarise entitlement and provision for early years education. All 3 and 4-year-olds in England are entitled to 570 hours of free early education or childcare a year. This is often taken as 15 hours each week for 38 weeks of the year. Some 2-year-olds are also eligible. The government funds local authorities to make sure all children get up to two years of free education before they reach school age. Any additional hours a child receives would have to be paid for by their parents or guardians. The free early education and childcare can be at: • nursery schools • nurseries on school sites • nursery classes in schools and academies • children’s centres • day nurseries • some playgroups and pre-school • child-minders • Sure Start Children’s Centres Some 2-year-olds in England can also get free early education and childcare. To qualify for this, the child’s parents must be receiving one of a number of state benefits, including Income Support and Job Seekers Allowance. Children in local council care, or with a special educational needs (SEN) statement also qualify. Early Years schooling is based more on play than formal education, making it distinct from Key Stage 1. Children are encouraged to develop their autonomy by working independently, choosing from a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities. b. Explain the characteristics of the different types of schools in relation to educational stage(s) and school governance. There are four main types of mainstream state schools, all funded by local authorities, and known collectively as maintained schools. They all have to follow the National Curriculum: 1. Community Schools. Run and owned by the Local Authority, which will also support the school by looking to develop links with the local community, and by

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