Struggle for Independence

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Compare and Contrast the Struggle for Independence during the Revolutionary War and Libya’s Attempt at Independence in Current Events Comparisons between the Revolutionary War and Libya’s attempt at independence in current events are that both were rising up under the oppression of tyranny. The colonies of American settlers were under the oppression of the Kingdom of Great Britain, Parliament and their various imposed Acts such as the Stamp Act, and economic inequality like taxation without representation. Libya is protesting against the tyranny of their government which is the Dictatorship of Muammar Gadhafi and his regime of favoritism, oppression and the imposed lack of economic opportunity. Small uprisings in protest against the oppression of economic inequality took place in both America and Libya. In America the opposition to the Stamp Act was the “first great drama of the revolutionary era and the first major split between colonists and Great Britain of the meaning of freedom,” (Foner, 172). The colonies boycotted all British goods until the Stamp Act was repealed by Parliament and increasingly based their claims “not simply on the rights of Englishmen” but on human rights and universal freedom, (Foner, 2009). Similarly, in Libya, the first uprisings began in February 2011 as “bloody clashes” erupted in Benghazi where protesters showed up to support human rights activist Fathi Terbil but were confronted by police. Two days later “anti-government protesters leaving noon prayers at a local mosque were confronted by crowds supporting Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi,” (HistoryGuy). A shocking and important turn in the civil war of Libya was at the one point when Libyan’s army defected to take sides with the protesters when they were ordered to fire on the protesters in the streets, (Wilson). Likewise,
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