Stress on Students

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Students undergo a lot of stress while they are at school. This stress comes from a combination of pressures from co-students and educators. The numerous workloads are just sometimes hard to bear and sometimes, stress becomes evident resulting to failing grades and remedial classes. How stress affects student productivity is no longer a great wonder. It is a given that stress drives students to excel yet when left unmanaged, it can also ruin their lives. How to manage all the stress that they go through is a significant skill that they all should learn. LESSENED PRODUCTIVITY BECAUSE OF STRESS Having study strategies can be smart but a student has first to realize how stress affects his school work. With much stress weighing down on his shoulders, and symptoms that come out of not being able to manage stress, he would soon realize that he is lagging behind on his school work. Stress causes a lot of emotional turmoil which eventually affects a student’s general performance. The most common psychological manifestations of stress are: Irritability—when a student becomes irritable, his relationships with this schoolmates, and even teachers, could be affected. This is one way of how stress affects student productivity. Loss of concentration—when this happens, a student is less likely to memorize information that is needed on exams and he would not be able to fully participate with his colleagues. Forgetfulness—this is the last thing any student would need. Being forgetful would mean not being able to recall necessary details or information that would answer important exams. Depression—when a student is depressed, he is more likely to concentrate on his despair rather than on his projects and other school tasks. Also, depression is clearly manifested on the works of melancholic individuals—and these works are oftentimes sub-standard. Disorganization—when a

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