stress in my life and business

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Essay Stress in my life and business People handle stress in very different ways. Some people view stress as an insurmountable adversity that controls their lives, while others see stress as something that motivates them to perform their best. Stress comes in various forms and degrees of severity, and there are many factors that can cause this stress. It has been my personal experience that stress occurs most often when important decisions must be made in one’s life, and when there never seems to be enough time to make these decisions. Many studies have concluded that the effects on our physical health from stress can be extremely detrimental. These adverse physical effects include heart disease and formations of cancer. There are also some societal issues that psychological stress can hamper. There are numerous elements that trigger the effects of psychological stress. Frustration is one of these elements that will trigger stress. Frustration is one of the most prevalent sources of stress in my life at this moment. All of the little things that frustrate us include waiting in lines or traffic, sense of failure or inadequacies, bad relationships, deaths, and loneliness. Major life changes whether it be positive or negative can lead to very stressful situations. have the ability to change these misinformed thoughts. In our society, many people fall into a rut of everyday life and fear change to their daily routines. When any kind of change occurs it is very traumatic. There are many changes in ones career that can cause stress. Starting a new career or getting a new job is a major change that will produce stress. Other changes in one’s life resulting in stress include a change in a personal relationship or financial changes. You might think that hitting the lottery and being a multi-millionaire would relieve any possible stress in one’s life.
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