Starbucks Essay

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Case 1.1 Starbucks – Going global fast The key aspect of Starbucks case is entering new markets. As said in the case, they’ve met few challenges – some positive and some negative – which included mostly legal requirements, local and global competition presence, coffee prices on potential markets as well as the brand perception and cultural differences. What is important in the case is the aspect of glocalization – think global and act local. Starbucks expansion was in fact the answer for local market oversaturation and growth strategy. Mostly, entering new market Starbucks counted for its reputation and in fact its marketing-mix was only slightly adjusted to specific cultural aspect of new markets. Company should focus more on glocalization – entering new potential market should follow detailed market research about culture, social aspect, environment, law and government to gain the knowledge. Based on the research they should develop marketing strategy tailored for each new market so most possibilities and chances would be seized and all threats could be avoided. Case 1.2 Nestle – The Infant formula Controversy Nestle case points out the importance of companies’ social responsibility as well as cultural differences. In the 70ties Nestle has faced the law suit. The cause of the controversy was that the Nestle Infant formula was partially the reason of the death of 3rd World kids. Its partial involvement was due to the fact that Nestle marketing strategy wasn’t adjusted to the specifics of 3rd World, they treated new markets as the local one. The aspects of country economical and development level as well as the environment, culture and social living aspects weren’t taken into consideration while entering the market. However, the situation had place in the 70ties during different marketing era which was concerned mostly about product not social responsibility

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