Stages of Loss and Grief

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Running Head: WHAT ARE THE STAGES TO LOSS AND GRIEF? 1 What are the Stages to Loss and Grief? A Review of the Literature Princess Peace This Essay was prepared for Advanced Communication, Taught by Professor Adams. WHAT ARE THE STAGES TO LOSS AND GRIEF? 2 Abstract For a social service worker, understanding the different stages of loss and grieving is important to be able to help clients. While most agree that this issue deserves the upmost sensitivity and empathy to assist someone in this process, these stages are important to understand to be able to respond to these difficult situations someone would be facing in the grieving process. This essay examines the various stages and how it is shown throughout the movie Upside Anger. This paper compares the effectiveness of this movie in relation to grief and coping strategies as described by the Mental Health Association (CHMA) and Psych Central. These websites had similar information regarding the five stages of loss and grief and both stated that the five stages do not necessarily happen in order and that each individual goes through this process differently. WHAT ARE THE STAGES OF LOSS AND GRIEF? 3 What are the Stages of Loss and Grief? A
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