Stages of Grief

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Healthy Grief: Kubler-Ross Grieving Process and Stages of Grief Alice Verrett Grand Canyon University: HLT 310v June 16, 2013 Kubler-Ross Grieving Process and Stages of Grief We are examining the grief process and the stages of grief by evaluating and distinguishing differences, or similarities of Kubler-Ross, Job of the Bible, and Hinduism. We also looked at a connection and interplay linking joy, the grief process, and its stages we will also look at personal means of dealing with the grief process and whether or not it merits change. Kubler-Ross acknowledges; {People in some aspect of time in life will grieve over the loss of someone or something of importance in their lifetime.} We cannot forget about them. People will deny the grief process to avert pain but it will be much healthier for us to accept the loss as we journey through the grief process. Kubler-Ross says; “The grief process follows a normal sequence of deny, rage, trying to negotiate, a depressed state, and finally acquiescence”. (Kübler-Ross, 1969). Kubler-Ross five stages of grief: 1) Denial, 2) Anger, 3) Bargaining 4) Depression, 5) Acceptance.. A model proposed by Stroebe and Schut is also in place and utilized. The grief model used today is a two track process model. The first track looks at loss (separation distress), while the second track looks at re-establishment of means (the progression of opportunities in which to maintain living on one’s own). (Stroebe and Schut, 1999). Evaluation of Kubler-Ross stages of grief and Job’s grief process James 5: 7- 12 King James Bible Job was a wealthy man who experienced grief and coped with losses of health, all worldly possessions, his spouse and his friends, his sons and even separation from God when God allowed Satan to test Job. And though he did not know why these events occurred he kept his faith,
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