Sport Fan Categories

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Enahoro Imanatue Larry Bohlender English 091/paragraph 4 October 25th 2012. Based on experience and close observation, I believe we have three classes of fans. Although many people like sport and watch teams play either on the television or physically, few people actually have strong ties in a team, or really care about a team’s performance in a competitive game. I believe fans can be categorized into three different fan groups namely; the fair weather fans, the part time fans, and the die-hard fans. The fair weather fans are fans that are never really on board with one specific team. They cheer for whichever team may be winning at the time. These fans get tickets to a game; they run out and buy clothing that identifies the team, but may only wear it once. Fair weather fans always act like they know a lot about the team that is winning at the moment. True sport fans cannot stand this people when it comes to sport. The second class of fans is what I like to call a part time fan. These fans do not have a favorite team, or even like sport period. They would watch a game only if there is nothing else on that they would rather watch. They really do not care who wins or loses. More often than not, these fans do not really know much about the sport they are watching or about sport in general. They go to games just to hang out with friends, or to be seen by everyone who is there. The final type of fan is a die-hard fan. These are fans that truly have a favorite team, and really care about how their team’s performance throughout the season. You will never see a die-hard fan cheer for any other team other than his or her favorite. Die-hard fans are the ones you see at the games at eight o clock in the morning, when the game does not start until five or six o clock at night. These fans usually have season tickets to all home games. Die-hard

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