Specialty Drug Courts

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Specialty Drug Courts Columbia Southern University 1/27/2014 | The importance of Drug Courts are non-traditional justice procedures that were created to find alternative solutions for overcrowded prisons and for nonviolent drug offenders to seek treatment and prevent further drug use while saving the criminal justice system money. According to (Dean J. Champion, Richard D. Hartley, Gary A. Rade, 2012, p. 300) “The first drug court began in Dade County (Miami) in 1989; today there are somewhere around 2,500 drug courts across the United States’’. Drug courts have a big influence on the drug policy that helps correct nonviolent drug offenders with addiction instead of jail time. The debate on drug courts therapy is a main problem with politics with race, poverty, and drug cities (p.417). According to (Miller, 2009, p. 417) “Between 1986 and 1991, the number of white drug offenders in state prisons increased by 110 percent, but the number of black drug offenders rose by 465 percent”. Drug courts were ultimately used for overloaded court cases resulting in congested prisons (p.417). Programs were developed because of drug arrests and offenses that introduced drug courts (p.417). The role of the drug courts is to deter drug offenders and abusers from incarceration and into treatment programs (p.417). The main concern of the courts is to rehabilitate offenders in drug courts and the offenders have to take the blame for their offense while participating in required treatment programs and adhere to routine drug analysis (p.417). The judges has a change in role by restorative rulings instead of guilty rulings and treatment disposition involves the judge and offender instead of the probation officer, prosecutor, and defense attorneys input on the offenders treatment plan (p.417). According to (Miller, 2009) “Justice and therapy are no longer separate
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