Spanish vs British Colonization

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SPANISH VS. BRITISH COLONIZATION Dymond Nobles HIST 1301 July 22, 2015 Exploration of the New World was the product of European empires expanding in an attempt to secure new trade routes, to find new sources of goods, and to spread the dominant religions of the respective empires. The major difference between the British and Spanish enterprises is how they were organized. Spanish exploration of the New World was led by Christopher Columbus and Juan Ponce de Leon. The motivations for colonial expansion were trade and the spread of the Christian faith through indigenous conversions. Under the exploration of Christopher Columbus, the Spanish Empire explored great parts of what would become South, Central, and North America while the French and British Empires focused predominantly on North America. British explorations of the New World were led by John Cabot and Sir Walter Raleigh. Trading companies, such as the Plymouth and London companies, were granted charters to develop and expand British settlements. Their experience was more centered on private enterprise, and the use of early corporations to finance expeditions and colonial attempts. In addition to that, the Spanish colonies tended to be controlling. They were based around digging up gold and silver and exporting it back to the Old World, especially in South America. They did not have an aspiration for mass emigration, nor the change of a successful colonial elite. They were satisfied with a small team of Spaniards to exploit the wealth of their newly conquered territories, and export it back to Europe. In some ways like the British in India, except for the fact the Spanish didn't really have manufactured goods to sell to South America like the British in India. On the other hand, the English colonies were settler colonies. Most of their benefits came from exporting manufactured goods to the

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