Spain Iraq War Research Paper

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Spain and the War in Iraq Heather Gist Upper Iowa University Although Spain’s stay in Iraq was short, it most certainly did not go unnoticed; while most Spaniards were against the joining of US forces in Iraq, Spain provided assistance against the beliefs of their people and while in Iraq were accused of hanus crimes such as torture and soon after would call for a quick pull out. While overwhelming polls in Spain were showing 90 percent of Spain’s population against its people going to assist in the war, Aznar, made it clear he wanted troops sent over to assist in a no combat role. Citing the need for staffing military hospitals to assist with treating the wounded as well as to distribute supplies which consisted of food among other items. Throughout the widespread criticism, Aznar’s government…show more content…
The additional troops would most definitely require more extensive training in combat and defense as they would face the possibilities of attack. In addition to supplying the supporting troops and ships, Aznar informed, Spain would supply military aid under it’s NATO commitment to help and protect it’s fellow NATO member Turkey from the possibility of attack by Iraq as well. Spain also allowed the US to move troops and supplies or equipment for the war on Iraq through two of their Spanish bases, the Rota and Moron, where several thousand troops are stationed. Again,despite overwhelming opposition from Spain’s people, Spanish troops were once again deployed in August of 2003, as part of the US-led coalition. Spain was given command of troops from Honduras, El Salvador, Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. Troops totaling over 1,300 were sent to Najaf just south of Baghdad, which was said to be one of the most hostile cities in
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