Sony Playstation: Game Over

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Sony Playstation 3: Game over? Sony based its seventh generation game console the PS3 on a revolutionary hardware platform including several Cell chips capable of running 256 Gigaflops, which greatly increases, storing capacity, speed and quality of images. Therefor it allows high definition gaming, browsing the internet via a WLAN connection and includes a Blue-ray Disc player. The average game user is a twenty-four years old, experienced user with income. They usually bought the previous generations of the Sony playstion because of its technical sophistication. Its technology is considered superior to its competitors Microsoft’s Xbox and the Nintendo’s Wii, but also its prize. In a technical category, the Xbox appears to be Sony’s direct competitor and it has an one year advantage on the market. Further special software tools made it possible for game development companies to create new games for the Xbox in a fast and unexpensive way. On the contrary is game development for the playstation more costly because of the high software requirements caused by the complex hardware. Less games for the Sony playstation were sold than for its competitors. Nintendo’s Wii was also introduced one year after the launch of the Xbox but gained rapid market share. Further its innovative way of controlling expended the market. New gamers like very young and elderly entered the market. Sony’s competitive advantage lies in its revolutionary hardware platform. It should leverage the possibilities of creating games with a so far unmatched speed and quality of images. Making gaming an experience would be a competitive advantage at the time of entry the market. But Sony would rely on the game developer’s industry which prefers the other consoles. One opportunity would be to create software modules like a graphic engine which facilitate programming to a lower prize. Sony is so far a

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