Son Seeking Revenge In Hamlet

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Revenge is like a virus, its consuming nature deprives a person of logic, causes him to give in to his emotions, act recklessly to fuel his ambitions, his deepest darkest desires until when he realizes that there can be no return from the path chosen that his soul has been sentenced to eternal slavery of darkness, decay and corruption however revenge can also be the most beautiful act in the world. Revenge ignites the soul with righteous fury giving a person the focus and will to commit the act that is necessary to restore balance and establish equilibrium. Throughout the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare the theme of ‘Son Seeking Revenge’ has played a dominant role in its progression however it is ironic that the play is driven by a protagonist who is unable to commit the act of revenge. Hamlet a typical Shakespearean tragic hero of noble stature, who has been cast far from grace, learns of his father’s murder by his uncle and decides to go down the path of revenge. Hamlet’s inability to take revenge, his constant procrastination throughout the play builds up his emotional and psychological complexity and results in the deaths of many. In the play there are two foils of Hamlet, Laertes and Fortinbras who are sons seeking revenge for the death of their fathers however unlike Hamlet they are resolute and headstrong in their acts of revenge. Hamlet’s rationality tells him that revenge is a mode of reprisal rather than restoration however he is his father’s son, his namesake and bound to his vengeance, bound to his cause. Hamlet a typical Shakespearean tragic hero of noble stature, who has been cast far from grace, learns of his father’s murder by his uncle and decides to go down the path of revenge. The ghost of Hamlet’s father the late King Hamlet comes to him in warlike apparel and tells him: Thus was I, sleeping, by a brother's hand Of life, of
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