Social Work Case Interview Paper

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Amy Lyle-SWK 732 Course Paper Description of the client/family Trey is a 12 year old African American male who has been placed in a residential treatment facility. The residential treatment facility houses teenage boys that are mostly classified as Juvenile Delinquents. I was able to see and work with Trey and some other clients in their “temporary” housing environments. The families of the boys are allowed to visit them up to two times per week. Trey’s family resides about two hours away from the residential facilty. Trey has an older sister named Kita who is 25 years of age. His mother, Mary, and father DeShaun are financially stable and both have four year college degrees. Trey describes his parents as “old fashioned.” He goes on to…show more content…
The entire family has also been invited to participate in all the sessions. Time was spent in regards to focusing on relationships as Minuchin (1974, p. 56) points out that the techniques of the structural model address the underlying patterns of people’s interactions. Special attention was paid to the family’s transactional patterns, as I the clinician, was searching for clues in regards to the family’s structure, the permeability of the family’s subsystem boundaries, and the existence of alignments or coalitions. Structural changes will need to occur within the family in order to reduced or alleviate Trey’s…show more content…
We initially worked on strengthening the spousal subsystem and moved right into parenting issues. Enactment was implemented into the therapeutic sessions “as structural family therapy calls for its practitioners to gain insight into family patterns and intervene technically through relational postures they adopt toward families from both outside and within family enactments” (Aponte, 1992, p. 271). During this enactment, I as the therapist, entered or joined with the family system as a catalyst for positive change. This was done with the family to address parental authority and define the boundaries more clearly as part of the therapeutic task is to help the family define, or change the boundaries within the family. We made the generational hierarchy clear for Trey and Kita to understand. Work was done in order to realign the family organization. More appropriate boundaries between subsystems were also

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