Social Factors In The Delivery Of Health Care

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Social Factors Affecting the Delivery of Healthcare Social Factors Affecting the Delivery of Healthcare Access to care can be defined as the ability to obtain needed, affordable, convenient, acceptable, and effective person health services in a timely manner (Shi & Singh, 2010). In regards to the health care delivery system in America, one would be ignorant to believe that everybody has equal and parallel access and utilization of our health care system. Significant inequalities in health care and status exist across varying income groups, social classes, and ethnic groups. Due to these inequalities in health status, major challenges are facing the distribution of health care among certain groups, if not all, Americans. In order to improve the nation’s health and end the disproportion in health care to vulnerable populations, the social determinants of health must be addressed foremost in order to achieve an understanding of the issues that are affecting so many Americans and what must be done in the fight toward equality in the U.S. health care delivery system. All of the social factors are a part of a cycle, one affecting the other. Elements of each social factor influence the others in a specific way. These social factors mainly affect the underserved populations of racial and ethnic minorities, women and children, rural residents, the uninsured, homeless peoples, mental health patients, patients with chronic illness or disabilities, and HIV/AIDs patients. In the U.S., social factors are associated with lower overall health care usage and access (Shi & Singh, 2010). Inequality in access to health care is a somewhat of a repeated and recurring cycle involving all stages of life. Socioeconomic status is related to health and well being. People with higher incomes live in better homes and locations where they are less exposed to environmental risks

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