Smoking In Restaurants

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Smoking in Restaurants I argue that smoking in restaurants should be banned across the entire United States. This movement has been occurring all over the states, but I am a strong advocate to the complete stop of smoking in restaurants. Smoking can lead to cancer at the mouth, gum disease, heart disease, bad breath, yellow teeth, the aging process can speed up, and many more side effects. In addition, there are many more disadvantages than advantages when it comes to smoking. I do not like smoking in public period, but one may argue that it is their choice to smoke or to not smoke. However, others say that it is their choice and they have the right to smoke, as well as others can choose to not smoke. One may state that people have to deal with their decision to smoke. It is a cigarette and people breath worse things in the air these days. Also, it is legal for them to smoke, so who are to judge when they have made a legal choice? It is argued that telling smokers to not smoke is violating their personal rights. That is true, because this is a free country, so they should not get a right taken away from them when it is their battle to choose. In a restaurant, there is typically the smoking section and the non-smoking section that separates the smokers from the non-smokers. The non-smokers think that is a type of segregation and they feel like they are being treated differently. After their meal or before their meal is the typical time to have a cigarette because it is relaxing to them. On the other hand, smoking is completely rude to those eating their food. The last thing they want to smell is cigarette smoke while eating a delicious meal. Most people want to be able to smell the aroma of the restaurant and the good scents of the food preparation. When walking into a restaurant and smelling cigarette smoke, it is a head ache waiting to happen.

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