Significant Moments In Canadian History Essay

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All throughout Canada in the 20th Century there have been many events, actions and decisions that are called defining moments. Canada has provided armor, weapons and military devices to many countries throughout history. Not only has Canada provided weapons, but they gave up everything they had, including their own lives to spread the word of peace. Canada has been though it all; political moments, social moments and military moments however, the three most significant moments in Canadian history are the battle of Vimy Ridge, the Day of Deliverance and the Korean War. These moments have changed the way Canadians like and think today. Vimy Ridge was a significant moment because it brought world recognition, a strong sense of patriotism, and became a symbol of nationalism and sacrifice. It marked the first time a battle was planned strategically rather than with manpower. The man responsible for this strategy was Arthur Currie. “He organized a mock version of the ridge behind the battle lines and told each unit of the regiment its objective and…show more content…
Through the battle of Vimy Ridge, the Day of Deliverance and the Korean War, not only did Canada demonstrate great courage and pride, but they also displayed a great sense of nationalism, which has shaped Canada today. Vimy Ridge was the battle that all Canadians should be proud of and can truly be called a defining moment and, can live in Canadian history books forever. Canada’s Contribution in D-Day also showed that Canadian soldiers stood up, and fought for what they thought was right. They supported other countries, and fought extremely well as Allies. Lastly, after the Korean War, Canada was recognized as a peacemaking country. Today, Canada is known for the peace and love they spread all around the world. Canada came from a small colony in Britain, and now one of the richest and mot prosperous countries in the

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