Significance Of Themes In The Kite Runner

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A large aspect of the kite runner is the theme of destination; whether it may be the characters actual future prospects e.g Hassan’s future being bleak or whether It is the actual journey and location that they end up getting to e.g Amir and Baba moving to America . The journeys that Amir encounters are significant since they are reflected on how he is constantly running away from his past, desperately trying to rid himself of the guilt that he feels for betraying Hassan, the one person who was completely devoted to Amir. Amir himself states "I actually aspired to cowardice”, Amir knows that he is a coward, despite having a superiority over Hassan he did not have Hassan’s qualities that he truly seeks, which is things such as strength, determination and loyalty. Amir lets the guilt build up inside him, instead of talking about it. Going to America is a significant journey since it is showing Amir doing what he does best, running away from his problems. Despite it being a big step, moving to a different continent, it is no different compared to Amir running away from the alley way where Hassan was molested. This leads to Amir’s developing conflicts with his own mental state, moving to America makes him believe that he will be able to ‘escape’ this guilt that overcomes him, however it is just another stepping stone and Amir still battles with this even up to his mid forties. As a whole the journeys in the novel represent Amir continuing to run away from unresolved conflicts. After learning of Hassans’s death and orphan son, going back to Afghanistan is Amir’s last chance to redeem himself, he is brought to the realization that finding Sohrab is something he has to do in order to be able to live his life with a clear conscious. When returning to Afghanistan, Amir is confronted by Assef, an old enemy with unsolved business. Amir is beaten senselessly very

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