Shukhovs Pride Essay

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In the novel One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich the main character, Ivan Denisovich also known as Shukhov is wrongfully convicted and is thrown in the Gulag. Throughout the novel he shows the skills needed to survive in the Gulag, his deep pride was one important attribute which allowed him to do so. Without Shukhov’s deep pride, he would not have survived the Gulag. The Gulag was a tough and demoralizing place, without anyone to help, all you had was yourself, and your pride. Shukhov was very hard working man, taking pride in all the work that he did. He was a very disciplined man, “Shukhov never slept through reveille,” (Solzhenitsyn 1) this discipline allowed him to keep focused whilst doing his job. Some men were cleaners, builders, welders, and others were bricklayers: “Bricklaying a job you could take pride in,” (72) Shukhov also mentions “if your working for human beings, then do a real job of it, but if you work for dopes, then you just go through the motions.” (14) This means that if you are doing a meaningful job, like bricklaying you do a good job of it and you take pride in your finished product. However if you are doing a simple repetitive task , such as mopping the floor you just go through the motions and do not care for the finished product. The Gulag was a place where the convicted went, to live out their days of incarceration working. Shukhov was part of “gang-104,” (4) the men of the gang took a lot of pride in their work, giving them a strong work ethic. Everyday their gang faced a quota of how much work they were to get done in that day, if they did not achieve this quota the whole gang would not get their full ration of food. Without a strong work ethic the men would not be able to eat enough to survive the grueling work of each day, if one man were to not pull their weight in work then the rest of the gang would pay. Shukhov has one of
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