Should The Death Penalty Violate A Person's Constitutional Rights?

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Every year hundreds of people are murdered while the criminal who did this horrible crime continues to live their life until they are put behind bars. When these murderers go to trial, they are either put in prison for live or they receive the death penalty. There are many people who believe that the death penalty is a violation of a person’s constitutional rights, but didn’t the person who committed the crime violate their victim’s constitutional rights? I believe in capital punishment and I believe that if you commit the crime you should be held responsible for your actions. The death penalty is a deterrent to crime and it ensures that the criminal will never have the chance to harm anyone ever again. Capital punishment is a deterrent to crime. Most people argue that it is not a…show more content…
The jury ruled that he should be sent to the electric chair; however, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the death penalty and he was to receive life in prison. Due to the overpopulation in the Texas prison he was sent to, McDuff was quietly released from prison into an unsuspecting citizenry (“Deterrent” 3). Shortly after he was released, Texas prostitutes were coming up missing and were later found dead. McDuff continued killing unsuspecting women for four years after he was quietly released from prison. He was later caught because there was a witness that claimed to see what turned out to be his car speeding away from where one of his victims disappeared from. He was also recognized when his picture appeared on the television show “America’s Most Wanted”. McDuff was tried for two of the murders he committed. “If McDuff had been executed as scheduled, he said, “No telling how many lives would have been saved.” This is why for people who truly value public safety, there is no substitute for the best defense which is capital punishment” (“Deterrent”

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