Should Everyone Drive Electric Cars

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CASE STUDY-ARE PEOPLE LIKELY TO CHOOSE A GASOLINE VEHICLE OVER AN ELECTRIC VEHICLES? Introduction. In this report I will be exploring the question of ‘should people drive gasoline or electric vehicles?’, arguing for and against the case using scientific knowledge and references. I aim to produce a report that is comprehensive, relevant and logically sequenced as well as using the relevant scientific terminology. Any secondary information collected has been marked with a [ ] and can be found with the corresponding URL link or web page within my reference page situated at the end of my report. What Are Electric vehicles? An electric vehicle (EV) is an automobile that is powered by electricity only. Nowadays an increasing number of EV’s are emerging on the roads. In an EV, the electric motor is of ‘paramount importance’ [1] as the main drive system. Electric cars have an electric motor and a controller powering the motor. Rechargeable batteries are used to provide power to the controller. Electric cars have more wires in them compared to gasoline car’s, this is because gas-powered cars have an abundance of hoses, pipes and fuel lines instead. Electric cars have not only now become a possible future within the way all vehicles are powered, but they’re expected to start rolling of the assembly lines of major automobile manufacturers in the next few years. Scientific Explanation. Electric vehicles are all powered by batteries. A battery, in the instance of powering a motor, is a device that is used for storing chemical energy and converting that chemical energy into electricity. The battery is made up of one or more electrochemical cells, each of which consists of two half-cells or electrodes. One half-cell, called the negative electrode, has an overabundance of the tiny, negatively charged subatomic particles called electrons. The other, called the positive

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