Short Term Effects Of Exercise

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Phosphocreatine: phosphocreatine is used in short term exercises because it’s a quick short powerful burst of energy that lasts up to 10 seconds then has to resynthesize for another 10 seconds for it to be used again an example of this is the arm extending during a shot-put throw . Lactic acid system- the lactic acid system is used next after the phosphocreatine has run out, this system usually lasts between 30-90 seconds depending how fit you are, so the ideal example of the lactic acid system in use is either the 400m or the 800m. Energy continuum- short term exercise mostly uses anaerobic metabolism but if you’re exercising for long enough then aerobic metabolism will take place and you’ll be working inbetween both metabolisms. Heart rate anticipatory response- the sympathetic nervous system alerts the body of immediate acute stressors, the sympathomedullary pathway is activated and the body is alerted through adrenaline, this hormone is rapidly transported throughout the body to prepare it for the activity, adrenaline automatically instructs the body to increase the heart rate for greater blood flow to skeletal muscles, glycogen is converted in glucose for energy, sweat glands are stimulated, bronchial tubes dilate for greater oxygen intake. Increased blood pressure- because of the greater demand of oxygen more blood must be pumped around the body faster and quicker than usual, blood pressure increases because there is more oxygenated blood running through arteries and because of skeletal movement deoxygenated blood is brought back quicker than usual so it’s ready to be pumped out again. Vasodilation- blood vessels expand and open more to decrease blood pressure whilst exercising. Chemical control- chemoreceptors In the brain regulate how much oxygen, carbon dioxide and acids we have in our body, when we start exercising it re-regulates itself and

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