How Temperature Effects the Rate of Reaction

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How Temperature Can Affect The Rate Of Reaction Introduction The rate of reaction for a product in a particular reaction is intuitively referred to as how fast or slow a reaction takes place. The rate is a measure of a change that happens over a single unit time. In other words, the unit time is most often a second, a minute or even an hour. There are four factors that change the rates of reactions. (1) Temperature. An increase in temperature will make the reaction occur faster. This happens because the particles of that substance move faster when it is heated. Because the particles move faster, they would collide more, making the reaction rate faster. (2) Concentration. An increase in concentration the greater and faster the reaction. This is because if the solution is more concentrated, it will increase the number of molecular collisions. (3) Surface area. If the solid reactant is crushed up into smaller pieces, it will increase the total surface areas, which means there are more particles to react with the other reactant in the solution. (4) catalyst. This is a substance which increases the speed of a reaction, without being changed or used in the reaction. For a chemical reaction to take place, some bonds in the reactants must be broken. The colliding particles must have enough energy to break these bonds. This minimum amount of energy is called the activation energy. Only the very fastest moving particles have enough energy to break bonds. In gases, liquids and in solution, the particles move at a range of speeds. Some are moving very slowly and others are moving very fast. To react, particles must collide with enough energy and in the correction orientations for bonds to be broken. My prediction for this investigation is the higher the temperature, the faster the reaction. This is because the atoms will move faster and that will cause the particles to
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