Service Request Sr-Rm-022 Research Paper

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Service Request SR-rm-022 BSA 375 December 23, 2013 Charlotte Bonner Service Request SR-rm-022 Development According to the Service Request SR-rm-022, Riordan Manufacturing is in the process of revamping their Human Resource department to make it more efficient and to upgrade the current system or systems that the Human Resource department utilizes. The goal of the Service Request SR-rm-022 is to gather the information needed to complete the project in a timely manner along with integrating a variety of preexisting tools and systems already in use by the Human Resource department at Riordan Manufacturing into one system and single application. This will allow all the locations of Riordan Industries connectivity, via a network, and…show more content…
For this part we will be examining the security features needed in each section of the new system, the data, interface, processes, and network, and finally will end with a diagram of the data flow throughout the system. One of the most important factors in any system is the security of that system. If a system was unsecure, than that system is vulnerable to malicious attack and malware of all types. For a company, this can mean a theft of important data and even worse, a loss of revenue from trying to secure the system and from possible lawsuits. Because of the way that each part of the system functions, each part will have its’ own “type” of security, which will come together to ensure almost absolute system security. Because no system is ever completely secure, due to the development of new technologies, which means new malware is also developed, “almost” is the best…show more content…
Since most computers used in modern day businesses use some form of Windows OS, the Windows Installer will greatly reduce the amount of time needed and provide easier installation. According to Microsoft, “During a major upgrade using Windows Installer, the installer searches the user's computer for applications that are related to the pending upgrade, and when it detects one, it retrieves the version of the installed application from the system registry. The installer then uses information in the upgrade database to determine whether to upgrade the installed application.” (Microsoft,
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