The Screwtape Letters Analysis

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The Screwtape Letters is a book about C.S. Lewis’ insight into the human mind from the perspective of two demons, Screwtape and Wormwood. Screwtape sends his nephew, Wormwood, words of advice on how to stray the “Patient” away from the “Enemy” and towards “The Father Below”. Lewis had to put himself in the place of the elder demon, Screwtape, as an experienced tempter for Christian men. The Screwtape Letters is a book that uses Christian morals and values and takes the opposite side of them to try and condemn a young man to an afterlife in Hell. In the second chapter of the book the “patient” becomes saved and turns to God. He is not really sure what being saved is yet though. One thing that Screwtape tells Wormwood to use against the patient is the church. He would look at all the funny looking people in church and concentrate on them instead of what he was supposed to hear. Lewis writes, “Provided that any of those neighbors sing out of tune, or have boots that squeak, or double chins, or odd clothes, the patient will quite easily believe that their religion must therefore be somehow ridiculous”. I think that this book teaches how Satan can use things that were meant for good, like the church, to attack us spiritually. Prayer is another thing that Screwtape says is a means of attack. A person may perceive a certain image of what God is, like a trinket or something they have seen that reminds them of God. Then they start to pray to that every time instead of praying to God. This is a point he is trying to make by saying that it is still a major sin but that sometimes we don’t notice the smaller things as being bad. This book teaches a lot about the nature of God. Screwtape has a hard time believing that God actually cares for His people, unlike, “Their Father Below”. God tries to put people in our lives to help us grow in our relationship with him. God also

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