Schizophrenia Informative Speech

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Today I am going to talk to you about Schizophrenia and a closer look into my experiences of being diagnosed with it. When a doctor describes schizophrenia as a psychotic disorder, it means that, in their view, the patient can’t tell their own intense thoughts, ideas, perceptions and imaginings from reality. There are different types of schizophrenia. The most common one is paranoid schizophrenia which if generally a manifestation on multiple symptoms. Different patients will have different symptoms which will indicate what type of schizophrenia they have. These are assed by looking at positive symptoms (something added to you surroundings) and negative symptoms (lack of some emotional responses or thought processes). Positive Symptoms:…show more content…
For most people, the voices they hear present no problem and are not associated with schizophrenia. Delusions Usually strongly held beliefs or experiences that are not in line with a generally accepted reality. Delusions associated with schizophrenia are probably distressing for you, or those around you, as they may be unusual or extreme. For instance, a patient might believe secret agents are following them or that outside forces are controlling or putting thoughts into their mind Negative Symptoms: Being withdrawn, being apathetic, and being unable to concentrate are all described as ‘negative’ rather than ‘positive’, because they show a reduction in thought or function. It can be very difficult to tell whether negative symptoms are part of the schizophrenia, or whether they are present because you are reacting to other frightening or distressing symptoms. For example, a person with a mental health problem may be discriminated against or ignored which may cause them to feel isolated and depressed and so they withdraw. About one in every hundred people is diagnosed with schizophrenia during their lifetime and everyone diagnosed with schizophrenia will have a different experience of the…show more content…
Most people diagnosed with schizophrenia are aged between 18 and 35, with men tending to be diagnosed at a slightly younger age than women. There’s no complete answer to why some people develop symptoms of schizophrenia when other people do not. And, because of differences of opinion about the definition of schizophrenia and its symptoms, it’s not easy to identify what might cause it. The most common theories are: Dopamine - There is evidence that too much dopamine may be involved in the development of schizophrenia, but it’s still not clear how, or whether everyone diagnosed with schizophrenia has too much

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