Scaffold For Tom Brennan's Essay Titled '

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A scaffold for your Tom Brennan essay Introduction: SENTENCE 1 Explicitly engage with question by essentially restating the question in your opening sentence: New experiences [do indeed/definitely choose one] provide individuals with an opportunity to form and alter attitudes and beliefs. This can then result in personal growth [optional: to add sophistication –narrow your thesis to something like This can then result in personal growth, but only when an individual has support of others. Be aware that if you narrow the thesis, you have to back up that specific thesis in your body paragraphs]. SENTENCE 2 Introduce your set text and author name and text type + Related text, director and text type: This [is clearly demonstrated/can be…show more content…
Eg The previous attitude of [state it] was depicted/demonstrated/exhibited by the director through [film technique and detail of the technique – eg what we’re seeing or hearing in the shot or sequence]. The new attitude that [the character] adopts after the new experience is [state the new attitude] and is demonstrated though [film technique and detail of the technique – eg what we’re seeing or hearing in the shot or sequence]. SENTENCES 8-10 This new attitude/belief results in personal growth for [character]. As a result of the [state the new experience] and the change in attitude from [state former attitude] to [state new attitude], he/she is now more [mature? Open? Accepting? Tolerant? Anything that makes the character a better person is good here]. This is made clear though the director’s use of [film technique and detail of the technique – eg what we’re seeing or hearing in the shot or sequence].Therefore/Thus/Clearly/evidently [vary those words for each paragraph] a new experience can result in …. [restate words of the question!!] IMPORTANT NOTE: SOMEWHERE IN THAT PARAGRAPH IT’S GOOD TO DRAW ATTENTION TO A SIMILARITY OR DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE NOVEL AND THE FILM. YOU CAN ADD THIS REFERENCE ALMOST
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