Saving Private Ryan

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Steven Spielberg made Saving Private Ryan to portray “the terrors and triumphs of D-Day as more than just make-believe.” After watching this film, he truly did meet his goal of showing the world this. He presented his movie with realism of the war’s brutality. Spielberg explained, “We all determined very early on that we wanted to affect people in a way that would maybe show them the nature of war for the first time.” Spielberg was asked “Kubrick tackled World War One and Vietnam with Paths Of Glory and Full Metal Jacket. Why did you choose World War Two with Saving Private Ryan? Speilberg replied, “World War Two is the most important event of the last 100 years. We either won it and maintained our freedom or we lost it and lost everything. My father fought in Burma and was always saying, "Nobody ever makes a movie about my war except as an excuse to do action and adventure." Questioned again by Total Film “Is that why you made the violence so graphic? To force viewers to really feel it?” Spielberg stated “It's graphic because it's what really happened. It's a very, very honest recreation of the landing on 6 June 1944. I could have made Saving Private Ryan a very safe picture; I could have done all the violence off-camera and I could have had people dying in slo-mo, like in the movies we go and see every summer. But my intention was to resensitize the audience.”1 Which I agree he did. Spielberg went all out on this film. The second scene in this movie when the action started was from inside a Higgins Landing Craft. These are the actual vessels that soldiers used in the military during that time. 20 boats and 600 men of the U.S. 4th Infantry Division were sent on a mission to secure a beachhead off the coast of France, code names Omaha and Utah beaches. They only had 50 miles of beach with which to choose from and these were riddled with mines and

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