Sane While Insane

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Personal Evaluation: Being Sane in Insane Place 1. Explain the purpose of the Rosenhan study. The purpose of the Rosenhan study was to investigate whether or not psychiatric institutions would be able to tell apart the mentally ill from the sane. He wanted to get an idea of how mental institutions work and if their diagnostic system was consistent. On top of that he wanted to find out the impact and effectiveness of labeling. 2. What were the procedures of this study? The eight pseudopatients would call the hospital for an appointment, complaining about hearing voices.These voices were of the same sex and were unclear, but seemed to be saying, “empty”, “hollow”, “thud”. These symptoms were chosen since they were similar to existential symptoms. In addition to falsifying symptoms, their names, vocation, and employment were fake.All other information about their personal life and history remained the same. Once admitted, the pseudopatients would cease their act and function they would normally. In the hospital they interacted with staff and patients alike. The psuedopatients wrote about their interactions and observations of the staff and other patients. They had no idea when they would be discharged and would have to convince staff they were sane. 3. What were their diagnoses? They were admitted with a diagnosis of schizophrenia and discharged with schizophrenia “in remission.” 4. Describe how the pseudopatients behaved in the institutions. The pseudopatients might have exhibited signs of nervousness and anxiety from being in the mental institution, but aside from this, they would act as sane as they would normally. After being admitted they ceased “suffering” from all symptoms and were friendly and cooperative with staff. They talked with staff and patients since there was no much else to do and wrote down observations. 5.
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