San Tribe Essay

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In different societies their culture is dictated on tradition and history. The way of life that they live is far different than the life we live in western society. The San tribe believes in kinship and base their way from it. From matrilocality to brideservice the San are a group of people who believe in marriage and kinship. During my experience, kinship has shape the way I live while playing a key role in my life. The San tribe is a foraging group of people who live in Southwest Africa. This tribe has lived in this region for thousands of years and has a distinct kinship system. The text says that “a San will find a relative in every band he or she visits.” (3.7). This is due to them having bilateral decent. Having bilateral family can be beneficial to San members in time of need. Having this family can provide support and assistance during the times it is needed. The San also practice matrilocality. The text says “Matrilocality allows the bride's parents to make sure the groom treats their daughter properly and to serve as her advocate while she is young and still learning how to support her position.” (3.7). Matrilocality is when the groom lives with the bride’s parents while the bride matures and develops, both emotionally and physically. This helps the family to determine whether or not the man chosen to marry their daughter will be a good provider for her. During this period the groom will provide for the brides family and contribute food. This is called brideservice. During brideservice, the bride’s family does their best to treat the groom well as he is another person to provide food. While waiting for his bride to mature the groom can wait as long as 5 years before he is able to be intimate with his bride. Kinship in western society differs from those of foraging societies. One of the major differences is the fact that it is frowned
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