Safe Medication Error In Nursing

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Safe Medication Administration Common causes of Medication Error’s Nurses are routinely asked to calculate dosage information and provide data entry services for medications and intravenous infusions. Assuming the physician's order and patient information are correct, there are three general possibilities for mistakes when administering IV medications via a pump: dosage miscalculation; transcription data entry error; and titration of the wrong medication. • Miscalculation Error: A miscalculation error can occur for any number of reasons, including the use of inaccurate parameters such as dose, weight, height, drug units, or solution volume. A misplaced decimal or missing number in this complex calculation can result in a calculation error…show more content…
This type of rate change is called titration. Understanding the medication that is being ordered and the dosage that this drug is routinely given in is key to assuring that the patient is getting the proper dose of medication. • Transcription Errors: Being able to read a physicians writing is sometimes a difficult task, get clarity if uncertain about what has actually been written. If taking a verbal or phone order, a "read-back" system can be instituted in which the nurse who is taking the order, writes down the verbal order and reads it back to the prescribing physician. Once it is read back to the physician and both parties are in agreement, the order can then be processed. The “Seven Rights” of Medication Administration Most registered nurses learned about the "5 rights" early in their careers. The 5 rights (right drug, right client, right dose, right time and right route) have been incorporated in their nursing practice. Registered nurses also recognize they need to know the reason the drug is given — the right reason. The administration of medication is not complete until documentation has occurred — the right documentation. 1. RIGHT drug 2. RIGHT client (Two
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