Sacagawea Essay

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Sacagawea Thesis Statement: Sacagawea, a Native Indian, went on an expedition with Lewis and Cark and helped achieve the Louisiana Purchase. Outline: I. Birth/ Birthplace II. Parents III. Childhood IV. Teenage Years V. First Child VI. First Marriage VII. Lewis and Clark VIII. Her Death Sacagawea was a Native Indian that had some problems in her life. She not only was only a teenager when she got married and had her first child. Sacagawea was captured about the time she was 11. Sacagawea’s life history is not very clear. Her history is mainly myths and legends. Sacagawea, a Native Indian, went on an expedition with Lewis and Cark and helped achieve the Louisiana Purchase. Sacagawea was born into the Shoshone tribe. Her parents are a mystery. According to legends when she was about 11 she was taken from her people, the Lemhi Shoshone. “In 1804, Sacagawea was living among the Mandan and Hidatsa, near present day Bismarck, North Dakota (” Sacagawea has had no date of birth. Sacagawea was born with no record of her parents. People only have certain records of her and they are sketchy. Sacagawea has had her name spelt many different ways the one that is most commonly used is Sacagawea. I have tried to find her parents names for a while. Sacagawea has parents people just do not know who. My question is who are Sacagawea’s parents? Sacagawea’s childhood was sketchy. People know very little about her childhood. All people have been able to find was when she was 11 or 12. From what people say Sacagawea was abducted by a Hidatsa raiding group. Sacagawea has had a troubling childhood. Just think what would you do if u were token away from your friends and family

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