S3 Example of an Academical Leaflet on Global Warming.

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SAY NO TO GLOBAL WARMING AJIBADE OLUWASEGUN DANIEL M00489678 SAY NO TO GLOBAL WARMING What is global warming? Global warming is the maximum increase of earth average temperature due to greenhouse gases, such as Carbon dioxide emissions from excessive burning of fossil fuels and also from deforestation, which contains heat and evaporates from the earth, illustrated better in the image below. Fig 1.1 fig 1.2 * Global warming is a problem that occurs when carbon-dioxide (CO2) is much in the atmosphere which then traps heat and warms the planet. As we burn fossil fuels like Coal, oil and natural gas for energy or cut and burn down forests to create pastures and plantations, carbon accumulates and overloads our atmosphere. Some waste management and agricultural practices enhances the problem by releasing other potent gases causing global warming, such as methane and nitrous oxide. The image below (fig1.3) shows the rapid rise of atmospheric CO2. fig1.3 * Dubai’s population in 1975 was 183,200. Today it is about 1.67million. * It has been predicted that by 2010, there would around 15million visitors to Dubai and as many as 40million visitors by 2015. * The UAE is the world’s 5th highest consumer of energy per capita in the world. * Approximately 90% of the C02 the UAE emits is caused by the process of burning fossil fuels for energy provision. * This indicates that as time goes by the demand for electricity would increase according to the increase in population. Global warming effects: Rise in sea worldwide. Scientists have recently predicted an increase in sea levels worldwide due to the two massive ice sheets reportedly in Antarctica and Greenland, therefore, many nations around the world will
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