Rulers Of Ancient Egypt

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Pharaohs, ancient Egyptian kings, were seen as strong rulers of Ancient Egypt. They were also believed to be the most powerful persons in Ancient Egypt. A pharaoh was the political and religious leader of all Egyptian people and held many titles throughout their land. They were called kings, assuming that all pharaohs were male. Although Egyptian rulers were generally male, females are important too, and there were several occasions where a female was the ruler of Egypt. Hatshepsut, Nefertiti, and Cleopatra were all seen as great female pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. The fifteenth century B.C. would be a year that changed the world of Ancient Egypt. This marked the year of the birth of a not yet known powerful female pharaoh. Hatshepsut was the daughter of King Thutmose I and Queen Ahmose, both of royal heritages. She was seen as the favorite of three children, Hatshepsut being the only girl. She was known for marrying her father’s son, or her half-brother, Thutmose II. They then had a son which they named Thutmose III. After the passing of her father and brothers, Hatshepsut took the throne as the sixth pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty. Thutmose III was projected to be the next ruler, but because of his age, Hatshepsut became pharaoh. She was seen as one of the most successful female pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. Because pharaohs were typically men, Hatshepsut would portray herself as a man with a beard and headdress. During her reign from 1479 to 1458 B.C., Hatshepsut did not begin to emerge until the nineteenth century (Wilson 80). Although not discovered until later, Hatshepsut had no problem leading a long and prosperous reign. She was generally considered to be a pharaoh who established a long peaceful era (Werner 2). During the reign of Hatshepsut, many great accomplishments were fulfilled due to the hard work and effort Hatshepsut put

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