Rubric Example Essay

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Rubric Template Analytical Scoring Rubric 1=Poor 2=Fair 3=Good 4=Outstanding Aspects|Criteria (Descriptions of Scoring Levels)|Score| Editorial Aspect 1: Punctuation|1. There are four or more punctuation errors present.|| |2. There are two or more punctuation errors present.|| |3. There is one punctuation error present.|| |4. No punctuation errors present.|| Editorial Aspect 2: Spelling|1. There are four or more spelling errors present.|| |2. There are two or more spelling errors present.|| |3. There is one spelling error present. || |4. No spelling errors present.|| Editorial Aspect 3: Grammar Usage/Subject- Verb agreement|1. There are four or more grammatical errors in relation to subject-verb agreement present.|| |2. There are two or more grammatical errors in relation to subject-verb agreement present.|| |3. There is one grammatical error in relation to subject-verb agreement present.|| |4. There are no grammatical errors in relation to subject-verb agreement present.|| Editorial Aspect 4: Organization/Structure|1. Lacks organizational structure of introduction, body and conclusion that are extremely underdeveloped.|| |2. Organization is present with introduction, body and conclusion but is unclear at times.|| |3. Organization is clear and easy to follow with introduction, body and conclusion logically and coherently presented.|| |4. Organization is well-defined with introduction, body and conclusion that are logically and effectively presented.|| Content Aspect 1: Points of View|1. Two or less points of view are identified and described clearly on why the U.S. Civil War occurred.|| |2. Three to four points of view are identified and described clearly on why the U.S. Civil War occurred.|| |3. Five points of view are identified and described clearly on why the U.S. Civil War occurred.|| |4. More than five points of view are identified and

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