Romeo And Juliet Character Analysis Essay

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In Act III, scene 3 of Romeo and Juliet, Friar Laurence informs Romeo that the Prince has decided to punish him with banishment from Verona. Instead of feeling joyful of escaping capital punishment, Romeo mourns over the fact that he could never see Juliet again. While the two discuss the Prince's decision, the Nurse arrives and tells Romeo that Juliet is also heartbroken over Tybalt's death. Guilty of hurting Juliet, Romeo threatens to commit suicide. To stop Romeo, the Friar suggests that he and Juliet should consummate their marriage, and afterwards, they can try to get the Prince's pardon. Comforted, Romeo agrees and prepares to see Juliet. The three characters will receive instructions from the director to showcase the strong difference between the youth and the old, which is important in this situation as the adult characters think and act rationally to the point of being emotionally detached, while the youth, typical of social stereotypes, think too emotionally and seek to act impetuously without thinking of…show more content…
The Nurse will have the typical garb of a nurse- a simple, white, clean dress of a personal servant. She has a cap on as well as an apron and would seem as plain as possible, so the audience can focus on her physical expressions as she stares at the weeping Romeo. The Friar would wear a long light brown robe made of wool with a rope as a belt, signs of poverty. In line with his profession, he would carry wooden beads and a cross. Contrary to the usual doublet made of velvet and with gold trimmings, Romeo would wear a white doublet that looks worn for days, a black jerkin, and white stockings, as well as black shoes and navy blue brocade. Dejected, his clothes must look as wretched as he is. Moreover, Romeo should come across as a simple lad, as he is hiding from the authorities after being banished. Still, the material of his clothing should exhibit a classy vibe to match his social
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