Roman Technology and Engineering

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ROMAN TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING Kasey Simas HIS 103 World Civilizations I Instructor Max Fassnacht January 28, 2013 ROMAN TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING Roman empires flourished, which can largely be attributed to the emperors that created government, laws, cities, military, and many buildings and structures. This would not be possible without the use of technology. In order to talk about roman technology and engineering we must first understand what technology is. Technology is “the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science (technology, n.d.).” The Pantheon is a great example of Roman architecture. Most historians believe Emperor Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa built the first Pantheon in 27BC, though no one knows its exact age. It was a T-shaped structure that burned in the great fire of 80AD. Was rebuilt again by Emperor Domitian and struck by lightning and burned again in 110AD. In 120AD Emperor Hadrian began elaborate plans for the Pantheon that still stands today. It has three main parts the entrance portico, the domed rotunda (vault), and the connection between the two (Parker, 2009). It was originally a temple for all pagan gods and converted into a church in 609 (Ermengem, 2013). The Portico consists of sixteen columns weighing 60 tons, each column supports a pediment with an inscription attributing the Pantheon to Marcus Agrippa. And the dome has an opening called the oculus which is the only source of light (Ermengem, 2013). In order to create this a circular trench for the rotunda’s foundation and a rectangular trench for the portico were dug, then lined with wood and layered with pozzolana cement. Pozzolana cement was discovered by the Romans and consists of
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