Role Of Imperialism In South Africa

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Anthony DeMatteo Ch.25-1 #1-5 1/10/13 1.A. New imperialism- refers to the colonial expansion adopted by Europe's powers, the United States and, later, Japan during the 19th and early 20th centuries. B. Direct rule- the term given, during the late 20th and early 21st centuries, to the administration of Northern Ireland directly from Westminster, seat of United Kingdom government. C. Indirect rule- a term used by historians and political scientists to describe a system of government that was developed in certain British non-colonial dependencies often called "Protectorates" or "Trucial states". 2.A. Imperialism- domination by one country of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country or region. B. Protectorate-…show more content…
The most common way that Imperialism was resisted was through warfare and guerrilla tactics; natives would fight the invaders. 5. Colonies, Protectorates, Spheres of Influence. Anthony DeMatteo Ch. 25-2 # 3-6 1/10/13 3. Colonialism between the Dutch, Zulu, and British in South Africa in the 1800s was a huge part of the region's development. Peanut growing plantations, and huge mining exports of gold and diamonds developed this region as a thriving economy. 4. Colonialism ,when the Portuguese traded with the Africans then turned to slavery as a means of feeding their greed in Europe. This opened the doors to other explorers - Spanish,English and French followed by the Dutch. 5. France, UK & Germany were the most successful in the scramble for African colonies, acquiring an overall empire of 14 million. 6. Africa Ethnic strife and warfare hampered attempts to work together and build up resources. African religious leaders during the Maji Maji Rebellion in German West Africa claimed magic water would make bullets harmless – some 26,000 died. Anthony DeMatteo Ch. 25-4 # 1-6…show more content…
The cause of the Rebellion was mainly the East India Company, which was basically a faction of Great Britain in India. They forced farmers to grow cash crops instead of food, which, as a result, starved India and gave Britain money. The effects were that the East India British has influenced India in many ways. The school system is one of the many effects of the British's rule. In British and India, they both wear uniforms and the subjects are similar as well. Another one would be India speaks British English instead of American English. As for the last one, I have no idea.Company was disbanded, replaced by direct British rule. 4. The effect of British rule on India was fall in economic conditions of Indian people, generating commercial problems, economic problems, lack in the growth of India and its development. Their rule resulted into poor conditions of the agriculture and farmers, exploiting Indian market for their own benefit and killing the domestic home made industries. 5. Indians differed from British Settlers in the fact that they were nomads while the British people believed in setting up cities. 6. Indian Mutiny 1857-58,was a revolt that began with the Bengal army of the British East India Company due to British rule in
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