What Were the Benefits and Detriments of British Imperialism in India?

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What were the benefits and detriments of British Imperialism in India? British Rule in India spans more than 200 years. The British controlled most parts of India, and gave great benefits but also detriments to India. First of all, background information of British rule in India will be given creating a better understanding, secondly, the benefits of Britain's imperialism in India will be talked about, and lastly, Britain's negative impacts to India in 1740+, as Britain exploited India. First of all, British became interested in India in the 1600's. Before this time, India's ruling Mughal dynasty kept European traders out of India, and under control. Soon after, the British East India Company set up posts at Bombay, Madras, and Calcutta, the Mughal Empire collapsed in 1707, breaking small states apart. In 1757, Britain gained most control with the help of Robert Clive who led the East India Company troops in the battle of Plassey. In no time Britain governed modern Bangladesh, most south of India, and most territory of the Ganges River in the north. Britain had one of the biggest worlds workshops, in cotton and other materials. India became Britain's major supplier and as the British ruled them, restrictions were set up preventing the economy of India to operate from alone. India's competition with British goods was prohibited, and could only buy overpriced goods that Britain had produced. Britain had also established a railroad network to transport raw products to ports and out of India, and then transport manufactured goods back in. Wares included tea, indigo, coffee, cotton, jute, and Opium. My evaluation of the 'World History Patterns of Interactions' textbooks suggest that Britain gained control easily of India, and used them to gain raw products for their own good. Britain took advantage of this country, and India benefited and was harmed by the
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