Rocknrolla Essay

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ENGL 1302 Comparative Essay RocknRolla and Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels The films “RocknRolla” and “Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels”, both directed by Guy Ritchie, share some similarities, but also have some unambiguous differences. The similarities include the recognizable archetypes of the characters, matching plot points, and their endings. The differences between the two films is the entertainment level, the use of the background music, and the portrayal of drugs in the films. The first similarity between the two films are the archetypes of characters that are found throughout the stories. For example, the most obvious archetype is that of a crooked loan-shark. This would be Harry “The Hatchet” from “Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels” that cheats in the high-stakes poker style card game and tricks Eddy into betting more money than he had just so that he could take JD's bar, owned by Eddy's father. In the film “RocknRolla” the crooked loan-shark would be Lenny Cole, who tricks One Two and Mumbles into buying a property with a loan that he provides to them. However, Lenny manages to sabotage One Two's and Mumbles's plan for the property by using his connections. Another archetype found in the films is the right hand man of the main anti-hero. In “Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels” its Barry “The Baptist”, he takes care of jobs Harry wants done, like the retrieval of the two antique muskets and enforcing the business. Archy would be the archetype of the right hand man in “RocknRolla”, he is also an enforcer for the business, but also carries out jobs for Lenny throughout the film. The second similarity found in both films are the matching points in the plots of the films. Such as, in both plots the main characters are put in a crucial position of owing huge amounts of money to the main anti-heroes which causes them to go through a long risky

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