Explain How Policies, Procedures And Practices In Own Setting

1988 Words8 Pages
1.2 Analyse how policies, procedures and practices in own setting meets health, safety and risk management requirements Community Reablement Service adheres to the legislative in the following way: Health & Safety A health and safety policy statement is displayed on the main wall of entry of the building; there is also a healthy and safety law poster with contact names, addresses and telephone numbers. Due to Reablement service being located in an office block all;  Warning notices  Fire procedure instructions  Fire brigade call out instructions  Fire drills  Signage  Drills Are all controlled and recorded by the fire appointed individuals. Weekly fire alarms and fire drills are carried out regularly, which are…show more content…
The Health and safety at work Act 1974 is a part of the health and safety legislation, it provides the legal framework which promotes and encourages very high standards. The Reablement service has a duty to ensure the health and safety and welfare at work of all employees. The Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Employees have a legal duty to carry out full risk assessments to ensure a safe and health workplace. When conducting and completing a risk assessment, preventive and protective measures must be…show more content…
I can promote good practice by leading by example and by ensuring staffs are fully trained in risk assessment and promoting the individuals rights and person centred care planning. By ensuring staff are well trained and fully aware of risk management it ensures individuals are being actively supported and empowered to reach their full potential. I use my own supervisions with my manager to be able to reflect on my own performance and can look at ways in which this can be improved upon through training and development. It is also useful to periodically look at the HSE website to update my general knowledge on specific areas and through my 1 2 1 appraisal I use more in depth reflection processes to give examples of my own practices that demonstrate positive outcomes in the area of Health and Safety. 4.4 Analyse how helping others to understand the balance between risk and rights improves practice. Risk assessments and Risk management are an essential part of our service but it is often difficult to balance empowerment with the duty of care we owe our service users, for the individuals to be able to lead a safe and independent
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