Risk Management Essay

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2/04/2013 Manage Risk: Question 1: What sort of risk management strategies do you use in the workplace? Answer: We identify potential risks, through 6 monthly structure and machinery checks, possible risks are isolated and dealt with in an appropriate manner. Aside from these checks staff are also always on the lookout for potential hazards and are informed to let the appropriate people know about the risk/hazard. Question 2: When formulating these strategies, who do you consult with? Why? Answer: We consult firstly to our workplace health and safety plan, designed by the government and tailored for small businesses of our nature, we also consult with each other to come to an agreement of the potential hazards and risks within our own business as we are the ones in it everyday and know the surroundings. We do this because we value our health and wellbeing and the wellbeing of those around us. Question 3: How does risk AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 impact on the way your organisation manages risk? Answer: The above stated standard created a foundation of values in which we could create our own personal workplace risk assessment procedures, it outlined the specific criteria in which we observe and overcome risks within our workplace. Question 4: How successful have suggested risk treatment options been in reducing risk? Answer: As far as injuries go I would say the risk management programme has helped in a big way by introducing potentials to the untrained staff. Also increasing awareness and safe practice I can confidently say there have been no serious incidents reported in the last two years. Question 5: How do you/ the organisation monitor risk / risk treatment plan? Answer: Day to day routine ensures that we follow safe working conditions i.e. placing knives into a pouch whilst walking between workstations, following instructions whilst using machinery

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