Risk Aversion Is Giving Health and Safety an Image That It May Not Deserve

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Introduction The acceleration of global competition has brought very important changes in the working environment. Some of these changes, such as applying interlock systems, doing some engineering controls, intensification of labour productivity, etc. have a significant impact on workplace risk. New economic trends and technologies had a large impact on occupational health and safety, which has been either positive or negative in different aspects. Higher safety standards of modern equipment and automation have also been positive influences for workplace safety. It is not acceptable to take risk at modern work environment. By conducting risk assessment and implementation different types of tools, such as job division a few steps, hierarchy of control, etc. allow to achieve the above mentioned statement. The main aim is to make sure that no one gets hurt or becomes ill, equipment and environment will not get damaged. Accidents and ill health can ruin lives, and can also affect business if output is lost, machinery is damaged, insurance costs increase, or if you have to go to court. Therefore, carrying out risk assessments, preparing and implementing a safety statement and keeping both up to date will not in themselves prevent accidents and ill health but they will play a crucial part in reducing their likelihood. Employers, managers and supervisors should all ensure that workplace practices reflect the risk assessments and safety statement. Behaviour, the way in which everyone works, must reflect the safe working practices laid down in these documents. Supervisory checks and audits should be carried out to determine how well the aims set down are being achieved. Corrective action should be taken when required. Additionally, if a workplace is provided for use by others, the safety statement must also set out the safe work practices that are relevant to them.

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