Rhetorical Analysis Of Our Tired, Our Poor, Our Ki

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Rhetorical Analysis of “Our Tired, Our Poor, Our Kids” For a rich country like USA, too many children live in poverty, with insufficient food and water, and are often surviving in public shelters. In her essay “Our Tired, Our Poor, Our Kids” Anna Quindlen discusses the problems with poverty and kids. She illustrates single women with children is the fastest growing group of homeless for variety of reasons. She shows an argumentative side of rising poverty and homelessness with kids. The strength of Quindlen’s reasoning comes from the use of narration, exemplification, and compare and contrast. Quindlen begins this essay illustrating an image of poverty by showing a mother of five living in one bedroom. She discusses the issues of poverty and homelessness that are rising in children. Government aid and housing have decreased, therefore many families have been forced to live on streets or search for a shelter. She shows examples of three women in a shelter trying to survive with their small children and move on to a better place. She is mostly concerned for the kids living in these conditions and what will become of their future. Lacks of federal aid and affordable housing have made it impossible for these families to support and shelter their children properly. Quindlen shows three women living in poverty to convince the reader that poverty is rising amongst women and children. She starts the essay with narrating how a woman named Sharanda is living with five kids in one bedroom, and describes how everything in the room is placed. The author’s choice of words gives a visual image of the women’s shelter. For example, Sharanda’s room is described as “claustrophobic clutter” (316). Even after living in these conditions, the author tells how the whole family is working together to move forward with their lives. For example, the kids wake up early in the morning to

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