Research Process and Terminology

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Research Process and Terminology According to (2012), “the collecting of information about a particular subject” is the definition of research. Terminology is defined as “the technical or special terms used in a business, art, science, or special subject ("," 2012). In the criminal justice field as with many others, the understanding, and use of new terminology is very important. New terminology and knowledge obtained will be useful in a variety of aspects throughout a career in criminal justice. Lacking proper terminology while conducting criminal justice research can be very detrimental to a person’s work, advancement, and career. When an individual is evaluating and analyzing research studies, knowing the terminology associated, will make it easier to complete. Within the research process there are many steps to be completed to be successful. In a criminal justice career some general steps in research are problem formulation, research design, data collection methods, analysis, and presentation of findings, and conclusions, interpretations, and limitations (Hagan, p. 19). Some of the new terminologies obtained from studies in the criminal justice profession are terms such as “Research shock, researchese, concepts, operationalization, dependent and independent variables, theories, and hypothesis (Hagan, p. 15). Research shock -a sense of disorientation experienced by a person when suddenly confronted with an unfamiliar style of presentation and research language (Hagan, p. 15). Most careers have their own terminology primarily known and spoken only by the professionals in it. The term “research shock” describes people who are unfamiliar with the different types of jargon or ideology spoken by other professionals. Researchese (the language of research) is a valuable international language and a useful tool for negotiating and understanding
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