Res 341 Survey Research Paper

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Survey Paper RES 341 Survey Paper The problem statement is “The effects of the auto dealership experience on brand loyalty”. A ten to thirteen question survey will be developed to collect data in reference to this problem statement. The survey will be analyzed to explain how it addresses the problem. The questions will be examined to determine if the appropriate questions are asked. The level of measurement for each survey question will then be identified. Finally, the ethical implications will be considered. This survey addresses the problem by gathering data on the customer’s dealership experience. Sekaran (2003) stated, “A questionnaire is a preformulated written set of questions to which respondents record their answers, usually…show more content…
As previously noted, these pertain to those who sponsor the research, those who collect the data, and those who offer them. The sponsors should ask for the study to be done to better the purpose of the organization, and not for any other self-serving reason. They should respect the confidentiality of the data obtained by the researcher, and not ask for the individual or group responses to be disclosed to them, or ask to see the questionnaires. They should have an open mind in accepting the results and recommendations in the report presented by the researchers.” (p.…show more content…
One of the main responsibilities of the researcher is protecting confidentiality. The researcher must protect the privacy of the respondents, even if it’s from the company president. These rules have to be established in advance. An alternative method may have to be found to survey groups of less than ten. The survey purpose must be explained in detail to the subjects, especially if it is a lab experiment. The nature of the study cannot be misrepresented. Intrusive personal information should not be solicited. Specific reasons should been given if it is necessary and it should be categorized as highly sensitive. The data collection method should not violate the self-respect or self-esteem of the participants. Any person’s desire to not participate in the survey should be respected. The goal of the researcher is informed consent even for videotaping, recorded interviews, etc. Observers or non-participants should not interfere with the survey. If the study is qualitative, personal bias can skew the data. Lab study subjects should be debriefed for the reason for the study after participation has ended. The researcher should take responsibility for the safety of the subjects. They should not be subjected to physical or mental abuse. The data reported must not be misrepresented or distorted. (Sekaran,
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