Interpersonal skills are daily skills we use to relate and communicate with other people. Nurses must motivate health promoting behaviour through health education, role modelling and effective communication. Effective communication is also essential to practice and improving interpersonal relationships (Grover, 2005). A vital discussion between the health professional and the clients is shown on the DVD clip, this has to do with their unhealthy lifestyle and the remedies to
I believe that providing the best possible care for each patient should be the primary concern of nursing. In doing so, the environment is crucial in the meeting the needs of the patient. Central concepts of nursing are “person, environment, health, and nursing” ( Masters, 2014, p.48).Careful consideration must be given in educating the patient about the illness. In early years, the responsibility fell upon the physician. In recent years, the responsibility has been transferred to the nurse to manage the patient’s environment in order to promote the patient’s recovery.
1. A series of in-services on team development are being held for nurse managers at a teaching hospital by the staff development department. The educator has just reviewed the concept of group process roles and identified several of them by name. One of the managers asks, “ Could you please explain what exactly is meant by the gatekeeper role?” Which of the following responses by the educator is best? The Gatekeeper ensures that everyone has an opportunity to speak.
Professional Roles & Values--Task 3 It is imperative that the FNP recognize her role to better meet the needs of the client. The nurse should meet with the FNP to explain the resources that are available at the clinic (ie: other staff members) During the meeting with the FNP the nurse should have policies on hand that have specifics of what the FNP should do in certain situations (ie: when to refer the patient to the high-risk clinic). The FNP needs to understand that while she is concerned about the patient it is her obligation to ensure the patient receives safe, quality care. When delegating the nurse is still accountable and responsible for the nursing practice. The nurse should ensure that when they delegate the person they are delegating to is competent enough for the task.
I believe the core of nursing is patient education. “Patient teaching regardless of what medical condition or injury a patient is being treated for, the success of the recovery process will be greatly affected by how well educated the patient is about what they are suffering from.”(Righthealth Community, 2008). As nurses we are suppose to teach patients how to take care of their health. We try to teach them about the disease process, medications and how to manage their day to day life with their illness. Patient teaching can be the key to teaching
RTT1 - Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership Western Governors University RN-BSN Pre-Licensure Program The situation with patient Mr. J is quite frightening to say the least. There are multiple issues at hand here that put the patient’s health in jeopardy. As nurses, we have an obligatory responsibility to protect our patients and to practice the principle of beneficence. Having an understanding of nursing-sensitive indicators is crucial in preventing the development of hospital-associated injury and increased mortality/morbidity. These are principles instilled in us throughout nursing school, and guide nurses in our practice.
The NCNR dedicated areas within its institute to focus just on how to conduct research. Knowing how to conduct research is important as studies were undergone to not only improve nurses’ ability to slow a patient’s illness, but to also assist the nurse in promoting a healthy lifestyle for the patient. The NCNR believes research is necessary because nurses “are more likely to have continuing contact with the most vulnerable populations” (Merritt, 1987). Research is needed to assist nurses in identifying those patients at risk so interventions can be put into place to empower the patient to realize a healthy lifestyle is achievable. Conclusion Nursing research has always been and continues to be directed toward patient care.
According to Employment Equity and Diversity (2004), the mentor needs to be a person who is aware of their responsibilities in supporting staff and require training and resources to support them in their role. I assigned be a mentor to a new qualified midwifery nurse. I called her Nurse A (Appendix A). Even thought she has experience working in the surgical and medical unit before, she still need an experience and knowledgeable staff to guide and mentor her in a new clinical area .She is a very proactive person and willing to learn. Identifying learning needs, planning and managing the .student experience Plans of action formulated in order to achieve the learner's objectives.
I will remind myself every day why I became a nurse and aspire to make my patients my number one priority. Functional Differences As licensed professionals, it is our duty to protect the public’s health and welfare by assuring that we provide safe and competent nursing care. It is also our responsibility to seek opportunities to advance our professional growth. Regulatory agencies and Professional Nursing Organizations afford us the resources to do that. The functional differences between both types of organizations
Reflection as a learning tool allows me to identify the positive and negative aspects of my practice and to draw upon previous experiences and apply them to new situations “Reflective practice has, however, the potential to help practitioners in all fields unlock the tacit knowledge and understanding that they have of their practice and use this to generate knowledge for future practice”. (Schutz, 2007 pg.26) The clinical competency I have chosen in this report is Phlebotomy. As part of my role as a health care support worker within a District Nursing team Phlebotomy is one of my primary duties. The clinical skill I have chosen to reflect upon within this account is venepuncture. Confidentiality has been maintained throughout within this assignment and all names and locations are changed in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council code of conduct (2008, Section: Confidentiality) and for this purpose I have chosen to name the patient as Mrs Jones.